The preferred links of the Survivors :
RU486 kills... La Trêve de Dieu describe RU486 as an "anti-human pesticide". They tell us the story of the death pedlars now promoting the poisonning of our brothers and sisters.
The population controllers target Africa...
Eugenics Watch: this site gives data on the Eugenist hidden behind the population controllers and abortion legalizers (UNO, UNFPA, IPPF, PPFA, etc..
The real nature of chemical birth control... A very detailed study on the abortive effects of the chemical "contraceptives"...
The truth about contraception :
Cogent arguments against contraception, on the scientifical, religious, sociological and political levels
Youth Defence Irish friends of the Survivors
TransVie: the French-speaking pro-life documentation platform
Le Feu Le Feu : a prolife multilingual site on the theme Bioethics and Population, from the studies of Michel Schooyans from the University of Louvain (Belgium). Schooyans develops a very sharp political analysis of abortion.
The Austrian Youth for Life The Austrian Youth for Life ...
A Swiss initiative The Swiss defenders of the child and its mother ...
The Chinese State slaughters the orphans rescued from its forced abortion policy.
A team from BBC researched...
A startling report...
...on how the Communists love the children
The truth on hormonal contraception Hormonal contraception is abortive! The propagandas hiding that fact are deceitful.

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