IS ABORTIVE: all hormonal "contraceptive" pills or
devices have an abortive effect, but their manufacturers mislead
their clients on the real nature of what they sell! So the IUD is
ABORTIVE : its role is to make the uterus inhospitable to the
conceived child, who thus desiccates and dies. The "pill" has an
anti-nidation effect and is thus ABORTIVE, beside its first
anti-ovulation and anti-spermatozoa effects (by thickening the mucus),
it makes the uterus inhospitable to the conceived child when the first
2 effects fail, which is frequent. Other so-called contraceptive drugs
are also ABORTIVE: NORPLANT, DEPO-PROVERA, the anti-HCG "vaccine",
RU486, Tetragynon, Preven, the prostaglandins, etc...
So they replace the vacuum cleaner tearing apart by poisoning. What a