(98-0188) Resumption of the anti-abortion actions in a new form
Groups of one hundred to a hundred and fifty young people, born subsequently
to the Veil law of 1975, and being defined collectively as «survivors» of
abortion, invaded three times centers of termination of pregnancy during last days, in
Lyon and Paris. «The Survivors», who affirm to be without religious or political
link, paralyzed the abortion centers, preventing the abortions.
[«The Survivors»are actually an emanation of The Truce of God, the first
association which organized anti-abortion commandos in France, which provides to them
P.O. box, secretariat and propaganda materials. This organization, which placed quotations
of Mgr de Balaguer in front of its publications, had fallen asleep after the repeated
condemnations of its president, Claire Fontana-Gobry. Obviously encouraged by the non-execution
of the sentences of Dr. Xavier Dor, Truce of God again takes the offensive. A special
effort of media presentation was accomplished: the adults providing logistics do not
take part in the actions. Young solicited people are brigaded through a sectarain type
personal dynamics, exploiting a feeling of isolation and the phantasm of a fratrie lost
by abortion.]
Source: Réseau Voltaire, note #169, heading "Laïcité"
[Secularity], July 10, 98